Extra Credit

Extra Credit Section

Log all commands

Logging all commands

There is a way to log all commands sent to the instance as well. First, you have to create S3 buckets and CloudWatch Logs.

  1. Go to S3.
  2. Create a Bucket called cloudsecurity-ssmlogs-bucket-{myname}. Before you move on, turn on Default Encryption using AWS-KMS and the aws/s3
  3. Then Grant Amazon S3 Log Delivery group write access to the bucket.
  4. Go to CloudWatch.
  5. In Logs you must Create log group, called cloudsecurity-ssmlogs-logs.
  6. Go to IAM.
  7. We will modify the Role called SharedServerConnectivityRole
  8. Expand the Inline Policy and click Edit Policy
  9. Add additional permissions including


    Bucket: Any
    Object: Any

    CloudWatch Logs

    Log Group
    Log Stream

    EC2 Messages


    Systems Manager


  10. Review the policy and Save Changes

  11. If there are any errors, go to Previous and keep adding Any to the resources the policy requires defined.
    This can be more restrictive in a production environment.
  12. Now go back to Systems Manager, Session Manager.
  13. Let’s use Preferences to set up logging.
  14. Edit the settings to Write session output and choose the bucket called “cloudsecurity-ssmlogs-bucket-{myname}”.
  15. Let’s also send the output to Cloudwatch logs, we can deselect Encrypt Log Data, and create a log group name “cloudsecurity-demo-bucket-{myname}”. * In production I would not recommend storing unencrypted logs.
  16. Save that configuration.
  17. Now back at Sessions, you can Start a session with any server with the SSM agent and access to the SSM Service.

     TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"`
     curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
     curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
     curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
  18. Terminate the connection.

  19. Checking Session History you will see the Output Location of your log.
  20. Look at the CloudWatch Logs of your session and see what commands you typed.

Now that you've completed the extra credit, you should continue to continue with cleanup.